Wednesday 7 November 2012


Are you at that final and stressful year of school where you run around for various minor and major irrelevances(seriously they are irrelevances to me)?
That's just the first question.
Secondly, do you run any other thing apart from school and you are in need of a helping hand in doing that unexplained, un-taught and hard to understand assignment?
And, for the grand finale do you need seminar and project topics for final year? be you in microbiology, biochemistry, food science and technology engineering you can name it. whatever........ Or are you that frustrated newbie in the unacclaimed  IT(industrial training or may i call it 'infinite task') that do not know where to go to search for a job.
HURRAY Mr. Solution is here. just type in the category u fall into in the post box below, your department, school, name and email address and i would reply you. And if u don't have an email address state it after the requirements and i would reply you here.


  1. hey i love your post. i just gained admission and i am so happy for your help. i would appreciate you when i come to school next week

  2. I am a pharmacy student please send a seminar topic on cancer to me on Thanks
